Sale! New Odd Owl Phone Chains!

Morning Oddy! How's your days? We'll offer you our new product ;)
Its phone chains... actually, its odd owl phone chains...
And you can adopt it with just IDR 10K \(*0*)/ woohooo!!
Here it up...

=(Red Odd Owl)= 
 =(Orange Odd Owl)=
 =(Blue Odd Owl)=
 =(Indigo Odd Owl)=
 =(Purple Odd Owl)= >> SOLD OUT

You can adopt that odd owl just with comment below this post with code under the photos... Only with IDR 10K !! \(OuO)/ Hurry adopt it now!
Or you can like our pages on facebook just with click this.
What color you like? :)
Check this out, guys! *click*>>

Our new products!! Bracelets and keychains, start from IDR 10K to 15K!!

Oh my, (>///<) FINALLY!
Our new products already come...
Fuuh~ it's so tiring when my friend not help me at all (Windy-the fat girl who always scream and yell at the same time) yesterday and the couple days ago, but....
I've done with it even if it's takes so many days >> *sewing with eyes on in front of laptop when the dramas start playing* and i'm the one who edit the photos *sorry for bad or worse editing photos, i'm not good at it at all* Ha!Ha!Ha! -_-
There it is.... The Bracelets that my friend order with unusually size *teenager size*

=(Color of the belt) Cow=
and my sister-in-law order for my nephew's gift *baby size*

=(Color of the belt) Lady Bug=
and the other is for another order :p

=(Color of the belt) (You can choose a doll for the top of bracelet)=
And the photos below is a keychains :)

=(Color for the donnut and toppings) Donnut=
=(Color of the Ice Cream, toping and buttons) Ice Cream=

=(Color of Pie, Toping, and buttons) Pie=
i like the ice cream... What about you? Do you want it? :) Please comment below this post if you want to order it,
Check this out, guys! *click*>>

SALE!! The New and Limited Necklaces on Odd Owl Shop!

Hai all, we will offer you with our new and limited edition handmade product. Its a Necklaces! :)
The Necklaces are made from flanel. All Necklaces just need 40K IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) for each Necklaces >,<
Feel free to choose okay?

If you like the Necklace(s), then you can tell us with your comment below this post. Or you can find us on our new page facebook --> 'Odd Owl Shop' and messages us on Facebook (> u 0)d *dont forget to like the page, okay?! :D*
Check this out, guys! *click*>>